Eduardo Sebastián
In submission
Physics-Informed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Distributed Multi-Robot Problems
E. Sebastián, T. Duong, N. Atanasov, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
Curriculum Imitation Learning of Distributed Multi-Robot Policies
J. Roche, E. Sebastián, E. Montijano
Journal Articles
AVOCADO: Adaptive Optimal Collision Avoidance driven by Opinion
D. Martinez-Baselga*, E. Sebastián*, E. Montijano, L. Riazuelo, C. Sagüés and L. Montano
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2025.
Distributed Discrete-time Dynamic Outer Approximation of the Intersection of Ellipsoids
E. Sebastián*, R. Aldana-López*, R. Aragüés , E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2025.
Estimation of Semiconductor Power Losses Through Automatic Thermal Modeling
J. M. Sanz-Alcaine, E. Sebastián, F. J. Perez-Cebolla, A. Arruti, C. Bernal-Ruiz, I. Aizpuru
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2024.
Accelerated Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers Gradient Tracking for Distributed Optimization
E. Sebastián, M. Franceschelli, A. Gasparri, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2024.
ECO-DKF: Event-Triggered and Certifiable Optimal Distributed Kalman Filter
E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024.
Accelerated Multi-stage Discrete Time Dynamic Average Consensus
E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés, M. Franceschelli, A. Gasparri
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023.
Distributed outer approximation of the intersection of ellipsoids
R. Aldana-López, E. Sebastián, R. Aragüés , E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023.
Adaptive Multi-robot Implicit Control of Heterogeneous Herds
E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2022.
Online Voltage Prediction using Gaussian Process Regression for Fault-Tolerant Photovoltaic Standalone Applications
J. M. Sanz-Alcaine, E. Sebastián, I. Sanz-Gorrachategui, C. Bernal-Ruiz, A. Bono-Nuez, M., P. V. Orlik
Neural Computing and Applications, 2021.
Nonlinear Implementable Control of a Dual Active Bridge Series Resonant Converter
E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, E. Oyarbide, C. Bernal, R. Gálvez
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021.
Conference Proceedings
Learning to Identify Graphs from Node Trajectories in Multi-robot Networks
E. Sebastián, T. Duong, N. Atanasov, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
IEEE International Symposium on Multi-robot & Multi-agent Systems (MRS), 2023. [pdf] [web] [code]
LEMURS: Learning Distributed Multi-Robot Interactions
E. Sebastián, T. Duong, N. Atanasov, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023.
Multi-robot Implicit Control of Massive Herds
E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT), 2022.
All-in-one: Certifiable Optimal Distributed Kalman Filter under Unknown Correlations
E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2021.
Multi-robot Implicit Control of Herds
E. Sebastián, E. Montijano
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021.
A Multi-robot Cooperative Control Strategy for Non-linear Entrapment Problems
E. Sebastián, E. Montijano
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2019.
On the Distributed Multi-robot Herding
E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
IEEE ICRA 2023 Workshop on Distributed Graph Algorithms for Robotics, 2023.
Adaptive Multi-robot Implicit Control of Herds
E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
RSS 2021 Workshop on Behavioral Inference of Remotely Sensed Multi-Agent Systems, 2021.