Eduardo Sebastián

In submission

  1. Physics-Informed Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Distributed Multi-Robot Problems
    E. Sebastián, T. Duong, N. Atanasov, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
    2024. [pdf][web][code]

  2. Curriculum Imitation Learning of Distributed Multi-Robot Policies
    J. Roche, E. Sebastián, E. Montijano
    2025. [pdf]

Journal Articles

  1. AVOCADO: Adaptive Optimal Collision Avoidance driven by Opinion
    D. Martinez-Baselga*, E. Sebastián*, E. Montijano, L. Riazuelo, C. Sagüés and L. Montano
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2025. [pdf]

  2. Distributed Discrete-time Dynamic Outer Approximation of the Intersection of Ellipsoids
    E. Sebastián*, R. Aldana-López*, R. Aragüés , E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2025. [pdf]

  3. Estimation of Semiconductor Power Losses Through Automatic Thermal Modeling
    J. M. Sanz-Alcaine, E. Sebastián, F. J. Perez-Cebolla, A. Arruti, C. Bernal-Ruiz, I. Aizpuru
    IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2024. [pdf]

  4. Accelerated Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers Gradient Tracking for Distributed Optimization
    E. Sebastián, M. Franceschelli, A. Gasparri, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
    IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2024. [pdf]

  5. ECO-DKF: Event-Triggered and Certifiable Optimal Distributed Kalman Filter
    E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
    IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2024. [pdf]

  6. Accelerated Multi-stage Discrete Time Dynamic Average Consensus
    E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés, M. Franceschelli, A. Gasparri
    IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023. [pdf]

  7. Distributed outer approximation of the intersection of ellipsoids
    R. Aldana-López, E. Sebastián, R. Aragüés , E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
    IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2023. [pdf]

  8. Adaptive Multi-robot Implicit Control of Heterogeneous Herds
    E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
    IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 2022. [link][code]

  9. Online Voltage Prediction using Gaussian Process Regression for Fault-Tolerant Photovoltaic Standalone Applications
    J. M. Sanz-Alcaine, E. Sebastián, I. Sanz-Gorrachategui, C. Bernal-Ruiz, A. Bono-Nuez, M., P. V. Orlik
    Neural Computing and Applications, 2021. [link]

  10. Nonlinear Implementable Control of a Dual Active Bridge Series Resonant Converter
    E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, E. Oyarbide, C. Bernal, R. Gálvez
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021. [link]

Conference Proceedings

  1. Learning to Identify Graphs from Node Trajectories in Multi-robot Networks
    E. Sebastián, T. Duong, N. Atanasov, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
    IEEE International Symposium on Multi-robot & Multi-agent Systems (MRS), 2023. [pdf] [web] [code]

  2. LEMURS: Learning Distributed Multi-Robot Interactions
    E. Sebastián, T. Duong, N. Atanasov, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2023. [pdf][web][code]

  3. Multi-robot Implicit Control of Massive Herds
    E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
    Iberian Robotics Conference (ROBOT), 2022. [pdf][code]

  4. All-in-one: Certifiable Optimal Distributed Kalman Filter under Unknown Correlations
    E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
    IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2021. [pdf]

  5. Multi-robot Implicit Control of Herds
    E. Sebastián, E. Montijano
    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021. [link][code]

  6. A Multi-robot Cooperative Control Strategy for Non-linear Entrapment Problems
    E. Sebastián, E. Montijano
    IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 2019. [link]


  1. On the Distributed Multi-robot Herding
    E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
    IEEE ICRA 2023 Workshop on Distributed Graph Algorithms for Robotics, 2023. [pdf]

  2. Adaptive Multi-robot Implicit Control of Herds
    E. Sebastián, E. Montijano, C. Sagüés
    RSS 2021 Workshop on Behavioral Inference of Remotely Sensed Multi-Agent Systems, 2021. [link]